Re-think the credit, togegher

Providing the right tools to make microcredit accessible and inclusive.

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Our Proven Partnerships

Why should we work together?

Collaboration drives impactful investments, supporting SMEs and innovation. Together, we can achieve sustainable growth.

Real Economy

Investments are directly tied to real economy projects and companies, driving tangible value creation while fostering growth in key sectors like SMEs, infrastructure, and innovation.

Want to diversify

You are a fund that seeks to diversify its investments without sacrificing expected returns. With Lendit, you can achieve diversification up to x20 while avoiding extra research and management costs.

Higher Earnings, Lower Defaults

Enhance stakeholder returns while minimizing risks with Lendit’s advanced rating system, selecting top-performing companies to ensure diversification and lower defaults.

Pay only what you want

ou prefer using only the services you need. Thanks to Lendit’s modular approach, you can select features like onboarding AI, repayment automation, credit rating, and more, tailored to your specific needs.

What funds are interested in our service?

If your fund reflects these characteristics, you have a perfect fit with our services

Direct lending

SMEs loans

Focus in real economy

Diversifying investments

4 principles you need to know

Our services are designed specifically for your needs. With tailored solutions and innovative tools, we ensure seamless processes, precise evaluations, and strategic opportunities to support your goals effectively.

AI Loan Assistant

Support loan applicants 24/7 while reducing 90% of manual effort in document collection. The Lendit AI Loan Assistant streamlines the onboarding process with efficiency and accuracy.

Rating AI

An AI-based rating system assesses credit by considering company data, sectors, geographies, and future prospects.


SMEs are sourced through both online and offline channels, providing a diversified portfolio and unlocking new strategic opportunities.

Application & Collection

Company applications are assessed to verify amounts, terms, and alignment with the fund’s objectives. All documents and data are digitally archived and managed through automated processes.

Take the first step towards transforming your future

Our solutions are designed to empower your journey, helping you achieve your goals with confidence. Let’s build something remarkable together!

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Ricevi il credito

Il tuo matching è avvenuto con successo! Firma il contratto e ottieni il credito richiesto.



Scegli l’importo, i tempi di rientro e rendi il tuo tasso appetibile per gli investitori.


Scegli il prodotto

Finito l’onboarding puoi scegliere PrestiOne, se conosci già il prestatore (es. prestiti intragruppo) o PrestiPlus per rivolgerti alla community.


Ricevi il credito

Il matching è avvenuto! Riceverai mensilmente sul tuo wallet la quota di rientro del tuo investimento.



Una volta scelto il metodo di investimento/prodotto,riceverai un contratto da accettare e firmare nelle condizioni prestabilite.


Filtra i risultati

Filtra tra i vari prestiti disponibili sul marketplace o lascia fare tutto a noi con AutoInvest, dovrai solo scegliere i parametri di rischio e durata.